A very special Baby Shower for the new Mum to be

I tried to gather the best ideas for a popup stall to bring to my friend Dani's baby shower party. Maybe they inspire you too. For a boy, I decided to put it into an all blue/taupe/grey decorating scheme. As the name is not 'fixed' yet, I could only use sewed "baby boy" letters. One-pieces are cute way to decorate the stall. The problem was that I could not find any biker- or rocker style baby rompers on the german market. Thats why I tried to enrich some basic onesie's with a bow and a tie, as well as braces und scarfs as add on. Since Dani is eating at least for two, the mom-to-be deserves a menu that is doubly delicious. I just love the tiny little yellow caterpillar which is downloading crushed oreos. I also filled decorated bottles with a mixture of cranberry and apple juice and a delightful splash of bubbly ginger ale. Dani also loves cinnamon rolls as well as cheesecake, so I just combined the two recipes into one. Voila! The first cinnamon roll cheesecake was to be tested on that day.

Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Baby Shower
Cinnamonroll Cheesecake for Baby Shower
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My Book in Sweet Paul Magazine

Today is the day. German Sweet Paul magazine spring issue is out and 5 entire pages are dedicated to my book. I don´t have to mention again that I love it. I am also very happy for my mum, as they picked her cheesecake recipe as one of the cakes that are featured. So, what's in it for you if you buy the mag ? As promised you can win one of three crafty handmade super cute Sweet Paul bookmarks that I designed for them together with "Backen mit Love" (which you already have, of course). However, I have heard that giving and receiving gifts makes people happy. So give the book to beloved ones and, by all means, keep the bookmark to yourself. Good Luck.

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Spring Decoration starts on the front Porch

Our mailman Marcel always knows that spring is coming when the first flowers start appearing on our front porch. However, I am not fully convinced that winter is gone yet, but a little makeover of the porch can't hurt.

Porch Spring Decoration
Porch Spring Decoration
Porch Spring Decoration
Porch Spring Decoration
Porch Spring Decoration
Porch Spring Decoration
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Sweet Paul Magazine exclusive Bookmarks

I am so looking forward to next week. The German Edition of Sweet Paul Magazine does 5 full pages on my "Backen with Love" book. I am so happy, the specimen copy of the magazine was in the mail today. Sweet Paul is one of my absolute favorites and I never thought that I could be in it some day. As a "Thank You", I have designed three cute crafty bookmarks that you can actually win in a competition that they are running. All you have to do is wait for the magazine until it comes out next week (Feb 25th).

Sweet Paul Magazine Bookmarks
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Heart Shaped Peanut Butter Cookies

Yes, I know, VD is over (I am not even mentioning the name), but that should not stop you from having a sweet and hearty breakfast together with milk like those peanut butter cookies. Whilst I am at it, I also have some leftover table decorations pictures from the day I am no longer mentioning. Moving on to spring then, not such a bad idea anyway.

Heart Shaped Peanut Butter Cookies
Valentine`s Day Table Decoration
Valentine`s Day Table Decoration
Valentine`s Day Table Decoration
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It's Scrapbooking Time

I was in Erkrath yesterday for a "Backen mit Love " book signing event. I basically moved in there for the afternoon with all my Valentine`s Day stuff. We turned the event into a scrapbooking workshop and it was a blast. Thanks to the lovely people from Buchhandlung Weber who invited me and have such lovely furniture. It was very easy to decorate everything nice. Thanks also, to everyone who came chatted, scrapbooked or bought the book. I still can´t believe that we are already in the 2nd Edition.

Valentine's Day Crafternoon Party
Valentine's Day Crafternoon Party
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Handmade Things for the Valentine's Day Crafternoon Party

For the Valentine´s Day Crafternoon Party at the Bookstore this Friday I am preparing to show lot´s of cute handmade things. I made paper straw love Toppers (at least I call them that), tiny punched love hearts, special tea bags for your loved ones, crochet heart ornaments, valentines day cards, sewed in chocolate hearts and last but not least love hangtags made out of cut out doily paper. So, if you happen to live around NRW in Germany come and visit me on Friday and we make those things together (click for info where and when)

Paper Straw Love Toppers
Tiny Punched Love Hearts
Love Tea Bags with Heart Shaped Hangers
cute crochet heart ornaments
Hand Made Valenbtine's Day Cards
Sewed in Chocolate Hearts
Cut Out Doily Love Hangtags
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Indoor Smores

This weekend I was planning on making some S'mores over the campfire. Well, lot´s of rain, so no campfire. However, with a little bit of creativity S'mores can also be fun indoors. I melted the marshmallows in a pan and instead of cookies I just added some cereals and put the chocolate on top. It´s quick and easy with only one more thing to add: "calorie counters you better stay away from them".

Indoor Smores
Indoor Smores
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Valentine's Day Crafternoon Party

Wer im Raum Köln/Düsseldorf wohnt, kann mich am Freitag den 14.2.2014 in der Buchhandlung Weber (Hochdahler Markt 22 40699 Erkrath-Hochdahl, Google Maps Link) besuchen. Von 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr findet dort eine Valentine's Day Crafternoon Party statt zu der ich von zu Hause ein paar passende Dekoideen mitbringe. Für ganz kurz entschlossene die ideale Gelegenheit dem oder der liebsten mein Buch zum Valentinstag zu schenken. Egal wie ihr kommt, meine hand-gestaltete Valentinskarte gibts für alle auf jeden Fall dazu. Das super nette Team der Buchhandlung sorgt auch für das (süße) leibliche Wohl und verschafft euch zudem ein "Bücher Blind Date".

Valentines Day Card
My international friends, who are not in the area, can download my special Valentine´s Day card for self printing.
Download Valentine's Day Card (12 MB, A4 Template)

Valentines Day Card
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Valentine's Day Window Decoration

This Valentine´s Day, I have my focus on two projects. First it´s all about getting the windows of the house ready for the special day. After I had removed all Christmas ornaments from the windows, they looked empty. The second thing I am working on is a Valentine's Day card, which I hope will be finished soon, so that I can give it to you as a downloadable greeting.

Valentines Day Window Decoration
Valentines Day Window Decoration
Valentines Day Window Decoration
Valentines Day Window Decoration
Valentines Day Window Decoration
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